Nassos Kappa

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Right direction is better than speed

Because you might be tired, I get it. We are all tired. We passed through many crises. Now, we live in a pandemic, and every day feels like we’re getting closer to a meltdown. There is an overload of information —just trying to keep up with the news can be extremely stressful and tiresome— both real and fake, that you need to put some effort to validate. People are dying, others fighting for their rights, politicians making weird or wrong decisions, citizens agree or not with them, and the majority just wants to go back to how things were in January. Of 2002.

No matter what, the common element on people's actions is the speed they want to achieve things. Fast. We run. We want to do things ASAP. Now.

You’ll rarely see people going on a slower pace to achieve something or, at least, to think about it and consider options. We do things faster than society can handle. If we have put some effort into research, education, and knowledge sharing, we may have not had Trump, Boris, Brexit, Floyd’s death, fake news, tools with bugs, homeless people, hunger, abused children, unequal societies, racism, sexism, and hate.

I don’t believe that hate and being bad is in the human DNA or something. We hate what we are scared of, and we are scared of the unknown. Throughout history, people killed each other for many reasons but I believe the main one was because they didn’t know each other. They never took the time to sit by the fire, understand each other, tell stories, and consider how they can work, live, and survive together. Can you think which type of humans takes time to understand, discuss and then solve a problem? Designers? No. Women! How about we, finally, ask them to take the lead.

Take your time. Think first. Talk more. Stay safe.