Nassos Kappa

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Deeper in a new era

A beautiful smarter phones concept by Morrama

Earlier this week, I read about education design in the post-coronavirus world. I loved the ideas by the Dubai-based studio Roar, forecasting ways that Covid-19 will impact the design of schools and colleges. Our lives are complicated and will become more even if there is ever an end to this virus.

The impact design has on everyone’s life is impressive, and the big tech companies (Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) could help people more. I remembered this beautiful smarter phones concept by Morrama, and I can’t wait to see an iOS releaser closer to this.

Of course, we can’t wait for everything from others —tech, governments, etc.— we live in challenging times where we need to participate as much as we can to the changes that happen while keeping ourselves sane. We need to stay informed and take sides while keeping avoiding our mental burn out due to the sadness of the news.

This week

🤳 Have you heard of Doomscrolling and doomsurfing? They are “new terms referring to the tendency to continue to surf or scroll through bad news, even though that news is saddening, disheartening, or depressing. Many people are finding themselves reading continuously bad news about COVID-19 without the ability to stop or step back.”. You see, checking your phone for an extra two hours every night won’t stop the apocalypse—but it could stop you from being psychologically prepared for it. Doomscrolling is slowly eroding your mental health.

Social media has a conflict problem. Nick Punt believes that “as designed today, social media is out of balance”, written an excellent piece on de-escalating social media and designing humility and forgiveness into social media products.

💎 On the previous issue, I wrote about the purpose of design, its trends, and whether is helps us or makes us dump. As a follow-up, read Ralph Ammer’s article “Make me think!”. We need further design strategies that help us accept, understand, and interact with complex situations in our lives.

🕵️‍♂️ Your passwords, bitcoin addresses, and anything else in clipboards is free for the taking! TikTok, New York Times, Reuters, Accuweather, and other iOS apps that snoop your sensitive clipboard data. At least, iOS 14 sends a notification when apps read your clipboard.